Aaron Tilt

Aaron Tilt
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Aaron is a life-long San Antonian (and a little sick of it-but hey, whatcha gonna do?). Late twenties, married (sorry ladies!) to his lovely wife Amy & the proud daddy of Derek, J.D., & Georgia. He grew up on the south side, graduated from San Antonio Christian School, went to college for awhile, then got in the SAFD (best day job ever for a musician). He played around the area as half of the accoustic super-dou "Tilt & Bard" for a couple years then had to set aside the music for awhile. Now he's back, with a slight change in direction and an actual album. The music is still "Browngrass" (what is browngrass you ask? It's kinda like bluegrass, but from a place where we are lucky if the grass is green, much less blue) but Aaron realized if God was going to bless his efforts, then he would have to do it in a way that gave the glory to whom the talents came from.
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Average Rating : 5              Total Reviews: 1

Aaron Tilt  09/18/2007            
Brad Mehaffey
So if you haven't heard this album you are missing out! The sound and song writing abilites possessed by Aaron are far superior to a lot of music out there. Lyrically, this is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time! Keep digging man, God is going to bless you!
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