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dana potter  04/19/2002          
Three Days
Album Review
i think this song reflects on everything that everyone's life is!---IT'S BAD ASS!!! **ROCK ON PAT**
DAC  04/08/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I thought you gve up on Nashville? Money talks i guess. Your no better than all the other "country" sellouts. At least If I say something I stick to it good or bad...... David allan Coe
Bocephus  04/07/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
"I gace up on nashville a long time ago" - Pat Green - Is there a bigger sell out?
Ashley and Brett Blakney  04/07/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I can't imagine who rated this CD as less than 5 stars, but I'll venture a guess that the person bringing this rating down has not been to a Pat Green show. I can say that, with confidence, because one month ago I had no idea who he was. Now I only look forward to the next concert. Pat Green will be famous and once famous, he'll endure. Catch him while you can. And buy this CD while it's still cheap.
Lee Hightower  04/01/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
Pat Green is the most original and probably the greatest artist to come from Texas in decades. Carry On! Lee
Jacob  03/25/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
Pat's music is good, all right, just wish he could improve his personality to go along with it. Lucky for him this doesn't show when he's on stage. I guess he knows what it means to eat crow - since he thinks Nashville's okay now and doesn't suck anymore!
l  03/22/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
me  03/18/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
Pat Rules...enough said, every concert is stellar...thats all wanted to say, oh and that he is not a more thing Tim McGraw is a bitch, and Kenny Chesney, well hell we'll throw in all of nashville into that class of people that suck!! Cross Canadian Ragweed Kicks ASS!!!!
Susan Leibee  03/16/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I love Pat's music! It's a Texas style that's real! Hope he's feeling better after his mishap on SPI! It was really nice to meet you and Kori. I just wish it was under different circumstances! Great job and keep it up!
Ryan   03/14/2002          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I very much so agree. we had him for our high school Graduation party. If you are good youll undoubtly go places. But NASHVILLE STILL SUCKS!!!!!

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