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Brad Posey  11/15/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
Sneed Wheeler's Texas Roadhouse and Roger Creager were meant for each other. It seems as if Roger feels at home which made his second show there great. Roger Creager is more sincere than many musicians out today.
Brad Posey  11/15/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
Sneed Wheeler's Texas Roadhouse and Roger Creager were meant for each other. It seems as if Roger feels at home which made his second show there great. Roger Creager his more sincere than many musicians out today.
Wormy Dog McCoy  11/08/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
Roger Creager 11:00 pm-1:30 am Tell ya what. With the addition of a fiddle player and a keyboardist, Roger Creager has become a six piece band. Almost too much for my 16 channel board to handle. While Roger's band might be outgrowing smaller venues, Roger still knows how to entertain a wormy dog crowd. The mix of electric and acoustic guitar coupled with the fiddle and keyboard gave the show a lot of energy. I know there are those out there who don't like people like Pat Green and Cory Morrow, and if you are one of those people, you probably include Creager. However, even detractors must admit that these artists know how to entertain. Creager is a great entertainer, and if you take the time to go to a show or pick up a CD, you will probably like it. By the way, let's try to keep the reviews on the music. Don't judge lest thee be judged.
Big Mike  10/20/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
Wow, I saw Roger for the second time in Huntsville on the 17th, and I must say that it was one hell of a time. His musical influnce is typical of our genoration Playing covrers form Lou Reed to Billy Joel. Perhaps the most complete concert I have seen in quite some time. Everyone do yourself a favor and check this cat out. You will marvel on his performance.
OleSarge  10/18/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
Brad Posey  10/18/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
I had seen Roger Creager perform twice before this Tuesday and he was incredible. But this Tuesday at Sneed Wheeler's Texas Roadhouse in Huntsville Tx he tore the roof off the building. The energy that was in the building suprised everyone that was in attendance. During his song intitled "Love" which everyone knows ain't what the damn song is about the crowd erupted in dancing, jumping, and even a crowd surfer all while beer was flying everywhere. If you did not go home beer soaked then you must have been in the bathroom during his last two songs. The homemade beer made at the Roadhouse lifted Roger to a memorable level. This concert will be talked about for years to come and will be legendary in Huntsville Tx.
Ben Mathey  09/21/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
I had to wait an extra 4 days for this CD to arrive but it was well worth the wait. When I first got the CD I automatically placed it inot my computer and push play and instantly was impressed. It is much better than his rookie effort, and his rookie effort was pretty damn good. If you enjoyed his first album or love the growing Texas country music scene be sure to pick up this album of this soon to be huge star.
KC  09/20/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
This is selfish but I don't want Roger or any of our Texas singing-songwriting boys to get too big. We loose that intimacy of having them to ourselves here in Texas, seeing shows where there's 200 people (sometimes much more sometimes much less), drinking with them after a show etc... I wish all of them the brightest futures but keep it small and close to home
Michelle Morris  09/20/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
David Rice  09/17/2000          
Roger Creager
Artist Review
I went to my first Roger concert this weekend in Austin, and I was just blown away. I loved his CD, but WOW! seeing him on stage was another thing!! He put on an amazing performance... Go see him... You won't be dissapointed!!!

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