Pat Green

Pat Green
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It’s impossible to know your limits without testing them.

It’s a truth that Pat Green has employed in his career, one that has propelled him to repeatedly refashion his sound, his approach and his own perception of who he is.

He’s simultaneously a Grammy-nominated hit maker with an outsider reputation, a Texas inspiration and a mainstream country artist who can rock arena and stadium stages with the likes of Keith Urban and Kenny Chesney.

Each of those roles has its own place. But each of them is too small to define Pat Green, who after 15 years in the recording business has earned the right to be everything Pat Green can be. Without limitations.

“I’d much rather be me and comfortable in my own skin than trying to be five different guys to get to the top,” he says.

In fact, after building a reputation as an ace songwriter of his own material, Green is fighting even that limitation with Songs We Wish We’d Written II, a sequel to a 2001 album he recorded with longtime friend—and fellow Texan—Cory Morrow.

Stocked with music penned by the likes of Lyle Lovett, Tom Petty, Shelby Lynne and Jon Randall, the disc—Green’s first for the acclaimed Sugar Hill label—mixes country, rock and blues in a manner that defies categorization. Petty’s “Even The Losers” and Collective Soul’s “The World I Know” will be familiar to just about anyone who gives the album a listen. Others, such as Aaron Lee Tasjan’s quirky “Streets Of Galilee” and Todd Snider’s burning “I Am Too,” are introductions from the underground to a large majority of music fans.

Songs We Wish We’d Written II is an expansive step in Green’s ongoing development. By piecing together songs from a variety of writers, he was able to assemble an album that reflects the multiple genres that influence him as an artist. The source of the songs wasn’t as important as the quality of the music and its ability to connect with Green’s maturing sense of his craft.

“If you listen to my young music or anybody’s young music, it’s all over the place,” he suggests. “It sounds like that because the thoughts are all over the place. You were sleeping on mattresses on the floor, the TV was on a cinderblock – that’s all cool. That’s all we needed, then. Now, I’ve grown up a bit.  As my life has evolves, my taste for music continues to evolve with it.”

While Green was looking for songs for the album from outside sources, he was adamant about recording music that ultimately seemed designed specifically for him and his band. With drummer Justin Pollard co-producing, Green drew up an initial list of 10 titles and recorded them during a concentrated week of sessions in Austin. They tracked another five in Tyler, Texas, then culled the best to get the final 10 cuts on Songs We Wish We’d Written II, creating a cohesive package from disparate sources.

“We all just sat around discussing and if somebody’s idea would sound better than my idea, I’d get fixated on it,” Green says. “I would very much encourage them to bring an idea. For instance, the Walt Wilkins song ‘If It Weren’t For You,’ that was somebody else’s idea completely. There were all kinds of ideas going around from Genesis and Peter Gabriel, Colin Hay from Men at Work – all kinds of crazy stuff from the ‘80s. Of course, we ended up with Petty from 1979.”

They also ended up with a stellar list of guests. Collective Soul’s Ed Roland brings an authentic cynicism to “The World I Know,” Jack Ingram’s threads a snarling desperation into “I Am Too,” Cory Morrow adds a craggy earthiness to “If I Had A Boat,” and former Sons of the Desert member Drew Womack adds a smooth, Vince Gill-like presence as a backing vocalist on the driving “Austin.”

Monte Montgomery provides a thick, expressive blues voice on the Allman Brothers’ “Soulshine” and trades licks with Green’s guitarist, Chris Skrobot, in some of the most riveting moments on Written II, with their dueling lines careening like pinballs.

Skrobot also introduced Green to Aaron Lee Tasjan, who’s something of a new discovery on the album. Tasjan’s “Streets Of Galilee” combines a seemingly random parade of images into an escapist story while Tasjan makes a wry vocal appearance, adding an ethereal presence in the mold of AAA talent Brett Dennen.

“Aaron is a super guy, an amazing talent, and he has a band in New York called The Madison Square Gardeners, so he’s obviously a very funny, very clever human being,” Green assesses. “He’s definitely the kind of writer I really enjoy listening to.”

“Galilee,” “Soulshine,” “Jesus On A Greyhound” and the imagery in “Austin” combine to form a spiritual undercurrent on the album akin to the message of Green’s biggest hit, “Wave On Wave.” It’s appropriate – Green spent much of the last two years searching his conscience as he battles the prism of limitations that were created by his own successes in Texas, and on a national stage.

And in a way, Songs We Wish We’d Written II is the first chapter in the next act of his career.

“There’s a man inside of me now that didn’t used to live here, whereas there was only a boy before,” he says. “The boy was so strong and had done so much, so I’m kind of seeing things in a new way. The last couple years have really been an eye opener, much more intense and richer.”

That’s a large statement – Green’s life and career have already been filled with rich experiences. He’s co-written songs with Willie Nelson, Brad Paisley, Jewel and Rob Thomas. Appeared on such national TV shows as Austin City Limits, Jimmy Kimmel Live! and The Late Show With David Letterman. Been hailed by Billboard, USA Today, Esquire, People and Country Weekly. Toured with the likes of Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and the Dave Matthews Band. And become a concert force in his own right, regularly selling out venues from Los Angeles to New York, where he’s now sold out his last seven appearances.

All of that is impressive. But it’s also history. As much as he appreciates it, Green puts it in his place on his cover of “Even The Losers,” where he highlights a lyric that Petty obscured in the original: “It’s such a drag when you’re living in the past.”

Green may be recognized for those past achievements, but he doesn’t intend to be limited by them as he continues to progress creatively. And that progress will come by simply testing what it means to be Pat Green.

“I want to be me,” he says. “There are so many people who live with so many masters in their lives. I really just need one.”

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07/12/2011 - Pat Green Talks About The Business Of Music - Read More
04/06/2011 - Going Green: Country Singer Pat Green Headlines Polo on the Prairie  - Read More
02/16/2011 - Pat Green Finds Contentment  - Read More
12/09/2010 - It's a Green party at Billy Bob's Texas - Read More
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06/02/2003 - Pat Green Q&A - Read More
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Average Rating : 0              Total Reviews: 1214

Pat Green  07/02/2002            
Pat Green  07/02/2002            
I just thought I would tell "scampadillo" that he keeps writing about how bad Pat is, but if you hate Pat so much, why do you feel the need to keep looking his name up and writing reviews about him. I have seen too many reviews with your d@mn name on them.!! Do something more productive with your time and reivew an artist you DO like! I personally think that Pat is a great singer/songwriter and puts on one hell of a show.
Pat Green  07/01/2002            
Some folks will tell you that Pat Green is just some redneck who got lucky exploiting everything that Texans hold dear. That's a load of crap. If you don't get Pat Green, you don't belong in Texas, cuz what he sings is what Texas is all about.
Pat Green  06/26/2002            
Pat makes me proud to be a Texan!!
Pat Green  06/14/2002            
Don't you "reviewers" think it's a little funny that your "reviews" all speak of pickup trucks, I-35, and burritos? Try this you Roger Ebert "wannabes"...listen to more than just one song on one album before you sit down and actually try to compose what you call a "review". Also, if you you're going to put-down people on a public forum at least learn how to spell first. As for Pat, I hope he keeps playing for his fans in spite of all the ill-informed criticism that seems to emanate from jealousy. His songs may not be awe-inspiring to everyone, but the simple pleasures in life that he sings about is what makes it so enjoyable.
Pat Green  06/13/2002            
Scampadillo rule. I couldn't agree more. Its sad how all these losers are brain-washed and can't see through that cliche texas facade. I think Pat writes his songs using a texas music mad lib. He start with a list of typical texas nouns, verbs and adjectives. Example: noun-burrito, adjective-drunk, proper noun-shiner bock, noun-boots, verb-drink....etc. then he takes that list and drops it into his song template...wuala! there's your song. Do that 9 more times then all the loser, white-trash from texas' lesser public colleges buy the h*ll out of it. Green, you are brilliant!!!! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go on a roadtrip in my truck, down I-35, while wearin my red wings, drinking my shiner bock, eating my burrito and listening to townes van zant and Jerry Jeff Walker.
Pat Green  06/11/2002            
I can't stand this guy. I do look forward to him comming to wichita falls every time. When patty is in town I know I can go to the bar and drink in semi-peace as there are less frat and air force carbon copies in my way. If I was a s**t kicker I'd tip my hat to you!
Pat Green  06/08/2002            
Rock on Pat!! I think Pat is awesome and all those who say he is a sellout or his music has no substance need to shut-up and listen to music they like. What is wrong with a musician who likes to sing about a place he loves? His music makes people feel good, and is not just for drunken collage students. My parents and grandparents like him, people of all ages like him. And as for the beer, burritos, and backroad driving he sings about, keep on singing!!!
Pat Green  06/07/2002            
red dirt rock star
scampadillo, road trips, shiner bock, and jerry jeff, is what texas music is. like they said, dont like it: don't listen
Pat Green  06/07/2002            
Drew Stanley
Pat Green isn't a sellout. All he didn't sign to the first label that came around. He waited until he found a label that he liked and signed. People say his music has changed and it has. Everyones music changes over the years. I personally don't like three days as much as I like live @ billy bob's, but I like three days more than I like george's bar. Has anyone heard southbound 35 on three days it by far is the best version of that song that I have ever heard. The reason I like Pat Green is because he doesn't write that depressing country bullshit. He sings upbeat drinking music. When Pat Green signed to that major label he began to expand TEXAS Country just like Willie Nelson. If you dont like the content of green's lyrics then why in the hell are you on lone satr music giving reviews. True lone star music is about drinking, taking road trips, and more drinking. If yall don't like Pat Green or if you do like him yall need to check out cross canadian ragweed.
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