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dggfwtx  11/11/2004          
Album Review
This CD was released on Fred's website back in August and I got it then. I'll admit, it was slow to grow on me. It's kind of different for Fred. There are no upbeat numbers here, and the songs are more lushly orchestrated than you'd normally expect on a Fred CD. The songs on this CD are mostly about loss, from a friend to a girl, to a ranch. But Fred really shows his songwriting and singing skills to their fullest. Among the many outstanding cuts are Ship, Crowds, Hey Baby and Codeine. Oddly, the CD I've got includes an outstanding song, Wichita, about a young man, an old-timer and a stolen racehorse, that is one of the finest and most moving cuts on the CD. It isn't listed on this website, so I hope it hasn't been cut from the CD. All in all, one of my favorite CDs of the year. The songs are sad, but beautiful.
Live music junkie  09/16/2004          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
Fred is definitely the finest songwriter actively creating new music today. Not many from out of Texas can hold their own opening for Robert Earl Keen, but Fred and Todd Snider are the exceptions. Fred's newest CD, released in late August 2004, is not available on, so log on to his website,, and get your copy of "Dusty" today. You won't be disappointed.
Donnie  07/08/2004          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
Chad Raney is right. Who better to tell you what you should be listening to. Fred Eaglesmith just may be one of the most influential songwriters of our time. You will not understand this by buying one CD...Buy them all and after that, break into your savings to buy gas and plane tickets to far off locations that don't even exist on a map (well maybe), Thats when you know your a Fredhead. Some singer songwriters play Gruene Hall for a night, Fred takes up a whole weekend and never repeats a song or covers, just his music...grease, bone, folk, blood, guts, fallen stars, farms, trains, cryin' crashin', Government, burnin', rock, guns, alcohol, pills, trucks, hookers, tractors, Oil cans, country stars and Broken down everythings from the car to your name it....if it has hurt or any good feeling left in it at all, Fred is gonna get it all out in the open.
Travis Handly  05/10/2004          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
Sorry, the last review for yall was meant for FCo. I don't know how I did that. Sorry. Travis
Travis Handly  05/10/2004          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
When wil yall be back in the Bellville area again? We all said that we had the finest party ever with you guys playing. Will you ever play at clubs around here or Brenham ? My girlfriend wont stop talking about one of you rats. I wont say who because you get the big head. I think its alright for someone like me to write a review. I just wanted to tell you. The review is YOU ARE THE BEST! I'm Just A Nobody Living Up To My Name (best song on the album I think) Thank you, Travis.
david jones  03/11/2004          
Lipstick, Lies, & Gasoline
Great Americana. Cars, trucks, broken hearts. If Alcohol &Pills and Water in the Fuel don't bring a tear to your eye, you're dead.
Messick  01/13/2004          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
This dude is one of the best songwriters in the world. The Drive-In Movie and Lipstick,Lies,& Gasoline records are pretty damn brilliant, both in terms of the songs themselves and the production. Anybody that wants to break out of the same-old-same-old Texas music (not always a bad thing) needs to take a chance on the ol' Canuck.
Harvey  09/26/2003          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
Eaglesmith is a great entertainer. His music writing abilities are one of the best. He is a must see and listen!
sarah  07/09/2003          
Drive-in Movie
This cd had got to be one of the best I have heard in years
Pantsfidler  04/25/2003          
Fred Eaglesmith
Artist Review
Heard Fred Eaglesmith in Amarillo at the Goldenlight. I've heard a whole lot of people, but this guy was as good as it gets. There were only maybe 50 people in the place and 32 of them were Texas musicans. He looks like "Sting" comes from Ontario, but musically he's as Texas as they come. He's in a class with Robert Earl Keene, Townes Van Zandt, and maybe a very few others. Best live show I think I ever saw...

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