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Janelle-San Angelo  10/05/2007          
Drew Kennedy
Artist Review
I love this c.d.! I feel like i promote this c.d. to any and everyone that i see. The music is real and you will understand that when you buy the c.d. I have met drew and you can tell he is real and sincere in all he says. Seeing him live is the best but when he is not playing in san angelo i pop this c.d. in with the windows down so everyone can hear!
Kyle  08/13/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
I will be honest, I liked Hilbilly Pilgrim way better than this album, but it's still great. I dont think there is ANYONE out there who sounds like this guy and that is definitely saying something in the generic world of TX music. This is a real barn-burner of an album and I strongly urge anyone who has a taste for the original to give it a spin. Real good songs.
Jarrod  06/18/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
Amazing CD. I listen to it every day. Seriously.
Buz  04/26/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
It is really nice to buy a cd where all the songs don't sounds the same. Also nice that all of the songs are original and great, not the usual 2-3 good sons and the rest fillers. Each song has a unique melody and the lyrics are unbelievably good. Buy it you won't be dissappointed!!!!
bm  04/19/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
This guy is great. Got to meet him in Kerrville, TX at the Inn a couple of weeks ago. Unbelievable talent. Watch for him in your area.
Nolan  04/17/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
An all-around hit cd. It has sort of a melancholy feel to the best track, "Can't Slow Down", and the rest of the album just compliments the talents of Drew's songwriting and musicianship. A true, growing artist that has what it takes..five stars with ease.
Huie  04/12/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
I heard Drew Kennedy on XM Radio. Been hooked ever since. I bet those people in Thailand would really enjoy his music. Romania too, if they understood English. Hell, even the ones who didn't would still enjoy the music, but they'd be missing out some GREAT lyrics.
creecherman  03/29/2007          
Drew Kennedy
Artist Review
Every song on this album is awesome. Drew Kennedy is a great writer and a great guy also. I think this album is really going to sky rocket his career.
Celine  03/28/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
i'am french and i knew Drew Kennedy on itunes (radio country), i loved his music immediatly ! i was waiting his new album and it very great, the lyrics and the music are super !!! I would like see him in a concert but Texas is a little far for me!!
lumberjack  03/27/2007          
Dollar Theatre Movie
this album is refreshing...lets you know that some artists out there have the ability to write a great song. in this case 13

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