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Freedom  01/13/2007          
Just A Matter Of Time
The Randy Rogers Band may be with a new record label out of Nashville, but their style of music has not changed. The reason people consider going to Nashville a bad thing is because the music of the artist(s) usually looses its originality and the arist(s) sells out. However the Randy Rogers Band has not done this. Their record label is in Nashville but it's still Texas Country Music.
nwb425  12/03/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
first off, this cd rocks. this band is taking it to the next level in their career, and i am glad to see that they have signed over to nashville because it only makes them more known, gets real country music out there for people. there is no "cross over", just a wider horizon for real music and a bigger fanbase. what's wrong with that?
Happy man  12/02/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
What a shame. They've crossed over and just like The Lost Trailers, Pat Green, and Jack Ingram, their gonna find out the hard way that when musicians cross over, it doesn't work. Pat Green's finding that out the hard way. This group was fantastic, and to see them go this route is pathetic. I hope they realize it before it's too late.
freemanw  11/03/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
These guys did it again!! It never fails. This is a great album just like all the ones before. Nashville or no Nashville and whether your a fan of RRB or not this is a great CD!!
cctman  10/06/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
first i wasn't sure about the new transition like a lot of other people. listening to this album every time i get in my truck it just gets better and better. it is genius musical writing and recording, so go get this one if you haven't already!
dhaight  09/22/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
Excellent album. Transitioning to a Nashville label and still great. Songs are solid start to finish and very memorable. A little extra production, big deal. This album rocks.
Matt  09/18/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
How are you people complaining about back-up singers. If you have listened to every Randy Rogers cd, their are people singing back-up vocals all the time. It's called harmony people. Just because they used some high tech equipment this time to give it a better sound, does not mean they sold out. Get a life people, instead of bashing anything that comes from a Nasville label.
hugefan  09/17/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
the difference between a polished randy and a nashville singer is that randy writes his own songs. His music is what any country artist dreams of. It comes from the heart; and that is what matters the most in texas country, believing what you are singing, not just singing it because you are going to make loads of cash. Randy is the real deal; an icon of what country music has been needing over the past ten years. just because randy has access to better recording aquipment than in the past does not mean he is a sellout. he is still producing the best music I have ever heard. kudos randy rogers
Wild Turkey  09/16/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
I have to say I was a little concerned about the new cd. Listening to the 30-60 sec. cuts of the new songs I heard less raspy voice and fiddle and more background singers and polish to the songs than I would have liked. But after buying the cd and being able to take it in as a whole, I will agree that's it's a little differnt but I wouldn't put the "sellout"..cough..Pat Green lable on it just yet. Overall it's a good album, but I hope he doesn't deviate much further from his roots, I don't think I can live with another legend going over to the darkside.
The title suites the band  09/14/2006          
Just A Matter Of Time
It was just a matter of time before Randy Rogers Band became big. Let's hope they make a difference in the mainstream world. If anyone's looking for a new copy of Randy's debut, "Live at Cheatam", drop me an e-mail. It's a little pricey but you can't find it anymore. [email protected]

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