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BBB  04/06/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
I am so wrapped up in the new CD and cannot listen to anything else at the moment!! Jack has always been one of the most entertaining and lively performers that I have ever seen, but now I have a great CD to keep me happy in between his Texas shows. I always knew that his talent would take him far away, but I am so delighted that at the shows I have see recently he is the same old Jack, staying for hours to visit with his fans. And still giving his all for the whole show!! I, for one, am glad for Jack Ingram and his new fame, and I cannot see much difference in his presentation. Yeah, this new CD is well-produced and has great songs that are memorable--so what? This guy gives us a true complete musical gift with This Is It! I have been a Jack Ingram fan from the getgo, and will be with him down the road. He doesn't have to stay small time to make me happy, and this CD is proof of that. Any artist has a right to grow, change and develop new music, and I love what I am hearing!!
Rtc  04/06/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
So long Jack. You were never the most talented, but you more than made up for it with grit and honesty. Now that you've sold out to the big machine, you're gonna be left waiting for the producers to write your songs for you, tell you which ones to play, and oh yeah, there's that great photo shoot. Does that sound like an artist doing his own thing? People trying to justify this release doesn't change facts. Pat Green's been trying tell people that what they hear isn't really what they're hearing; I lose respect for the musician just for this alone more than the fact he's selling his soul. Unlike Green, Jack, you'll probably make it in Nashville just on your beautiful face alone. At least you don't have to worry about that being hurt in the bars anymore since you're now gonna be on neon glittered stages with a head-set while pointing to crowd while you're singing these wonderful Partridge Family laced diamonds that'll be in the bargain bins in 3 years. Good luck amigo; oh yeah, do you still have a beat up Ford for sale?
Pie in the Sky  04/06/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
Great CD! Jack Ingram has provided me with a new CD and a treasure of new favorite songs! Yep, it is a professional and polished CD, and the production is spot on. A great total package of his radio hits and his stories and his ballads. . . lots of music that requires singing along with it!
Jim Peters  04/05/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
Last time I checked I am a guy for whatever that factors into my being a Jack Ingram fan. I am a Jack fan, but mostly I am a Jack Ingram music fan. As Jack says, "There are two kinds of music, good and bad, and I try to make the good kind!" And, by George, he does, night after night, club after club and album after album. This Is It! is masterful album, a rare collection of heartfelt ballads, rockin' and rollickin' songs, music to get lost in day after day. He is not afraid to express what is in his heart, he is not afraid to express his love for all he holds dear. And his music is rich and deep and memorable. And boy can that boy rock!! All Jack's old fans are delighted, and his new fans are in for a treat. Get on this train, folks!!
Troy  04/05/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
I've enjoyed Jack's music for about 10 years now and I gotta tell you, I wasn't too sure what to expect from this album ... Especially after hearing "Lips of an Angel." My daughter calls it a joke of a cover and I could care less for the video. Other than that one song, this album is everything and more that you would ever expect to hear from Jack. Yeah, it's a little more polished than the old stuff, but I've got news for you people -- It's supposed to be! If you're missing the old Jack just listen to "Great Divide", by far the best cut and my favorite so far. Way to go, Jack!
Betty C.  04/04/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
Jack Ingram's new CD, This Is It! is a super album, and for those of you who haven't heard it yet, full of musical surprises. I didn't know what to expect as he hasn't put out a studio album in such a time, but it is even better than I had hoped for. It is a very smooth juxtaposition of his old style and his new hits. I am very impressed and will recommend this CD to all. I can't choose a song that is my favorite as I keep picking one and then another....and then another. I do love Hold On with Sheryl Crow singing with him. But then All Than I Can Do is also super. And then.....see what I mean?
Sally S.  04/04/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
What a great CD, Jack! I love this new one, and it is worth the wait! My friends and I drove out to California and back and we never took it off, and most of these songs feel like old friends now!! By the way, his music is new to me and I am in love with this guy!!!
Bart Jeffers  04/04/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
One great CD, and a true professional product. I am impressed with how Jack keeps his original sound and stays true to his roots, but puts out a high level of music. His radio hits just line up on this on and contribute to the whole package!
Kevin  04/03/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
Ive given jack 5 star ratings before but, sorry if you want the single mom/ teenage girl audience thats what youre going to get.
cTc  04/03/2007          
This Is It
Album Review
Jack, Jack, Jack.....what can I say that hasn't been said about all of you guys that turned Nashville. The writing and singing is weak. Where is the man that burnt a Mustang and screamed Hey You. Lips of an Angel has a good feel, but it don't compare to Hinder. However you have my respect.

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