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Jimbo  05/31/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
This cd sucks DON'T BUY IT...enough said...
LSMTiff  05/30/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
This album is such a great listen...some of the best songwriters in the biz (Walt Wilkins, Radney Foster, Keith Gattis) helped out on this CD and it shows. Definately shows Cory's maturity in his music...worth the buy for sure!
larryttu  05/29/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
cory has always been a great songwriter, this album is no different.
Peter King  05/29/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
While this CD isn't going to blow your socks off by any means. It's nice to see Cory making strides again with some decent material. A few songs on here are worth a listen and the rest are just sappy fill ins. It's an OK CD.
dano  05/24/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
Hey..this is a great cd..well recorded and written. Great musicianship all around.He carries me woulda been worth the price of this cd alone...I find it hard to believe that some "reviewer" wrote that this sucks...they must have been listening to the wrong cd.
TxMusic  05/22/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
Don't be so rough on it, I think it is a step up from the last cd. Not bad.
RBE  05/21/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
It's not the Cory that got me into the tx/red dirt scene back in 1998 but its still good stuff. "All Said and Done" is great!
KB  05/21/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
Sucks!! Nuf said!!!!
Shana C  05/21/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
This is a great album! I went and bought it on yesterday, and it has only left my cd player to jump from the car to the office! "He Carries Me" is fabulous, and I love "All Said and Done". I'm so proud of Cory, he just keeps getting better!!
Big Hat  05/20/2008          
Vagrants & Kings
P.S Kristina, I would suggest you get Full Exposure Live. It's one of my favorites

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