Bleu Edmondson

Bleu Edmondson
Bleu Edmondson

With The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be, Bleu Edmondson’s long-awaited follow-up to 2007’s critically acclaimed Lost Boy, the southern-fried country rocker embarked on a search for truth, stripping back layers of regret, loss, and longing to uncover a renewed, albeit somewhat painfully soul-baring, view of himself and the world around him.  He dug deeper into what the music meant to him as a musician, a writer and a man. “Writing is like holding up a mirror to those darkest corners of our lives that we keep hidden,” confides the raspy-throated singer.  “It’s not always a pretty reflection, but it’s real and it matters.”  The collection of songs ministers to the saint and the sinner in each of us. It is an amalgamation of those touch points and influences that give us permission to question, confront and raise a little hell on Saturday night.

For the disc’s debut single, “No Room for Mercy,” the soulful singer/songwriter paints a vivid picture of the painful unraveling of a relationship, with a south Texas thunderstorm as a symbolic backdrop.  The raw wounds of deception, anger and disappointment are ripped wide open as the betrayed singer tells his lover that there is a price for what she has done and “you won’t lie to me anymore.”  Unlike some of his songwriting peers in other genres, Bleu chooses not to resolve the situation – or to explain in detail the circumstances involved – opting instead to allow the listener room to weave their own experiences into the song’s storyline. 

Edmondson’s lyrics convey a worldly perspective of one who has lived a life balanced on the edge – of success and failure, love and hate, elation and despair – with his trademark grit and unselfconscious vulnerability intact.   There is no sugar-coating in his songs; he simply calls it like he sees it. 

His men are flawed, with the brooding darkness of someone who has loved, lied and lost but for reason untold, repeats his mistakes time and again; and they are also vulnerable, with a desolate loneliness of someone who has been loved, been lied to and been left behind.   Sometimes they are scared little boys, strangers to themselves and mysteries to those around them.  But at the end of the day, they love a good party.

The women in Edmondson’s songs are innocent in one moment, insincere in the next, and unable to love the man who is willing to give them his heart.  They dance, they cry, they lose faith, they scream, and they love and hate interchangeably.  They are omnipresent, sometimes appearing as a barefoot angel sent to save the lost souls living life on the outside, or other times as a past-her-prime party girl who still has the boys fighting for her attention – and anything else she might surrender.

The couples he writes of lose their minds, quench each other’s thirsts, lie and fail to keep their promises; they fear, they take chances and through it all they love, with an urgent intensity that speaks to the desperation in their lives.

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01/27/2011 - Bleu Edmondson talks success of new album, touring and Alaska  - Read More
11/20/2009 - Feeling bleu? - Read More
11/14/2008 - Bleu Edmondson: Rock songs, country lyrics - Read More
09/28/2008 - Stars shine on San Angelo - Read More
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08/01/2007 - Bleu Edmondson Q&A - Read More
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Bleu Edmondson  10/19/2005            
Steve from Ky
I saw his show @ the exit inn and i was blown away. I bought both albums the 2nd one was great. his live show is awsome i woukd love to see him again. Well worth buying.
Bleu Edmondson  08/25/2005            
tami from texas
i have my brother to thank for turning me on to bleu, cross canadian, stoney, randy, and of course wade bowen. my whole outlook on life has changed! i moved to arizona 14 years ago so i don't get to see these guys, but i love their music and dvd's. 50 dollars and a flask of crown, travlin' man and you don't know me remind me of party days in texas, my home state, i truly miss texas. thank you bleu!
Bleu Edmondson  06/14/2005            
Hey you need to come to Huntsville Tx the Jolly Fox! we've been seeing all the other Tx music artist You need to join us partying down south!! I wish we could find your $50 and a flask of crown song IT rocks!!!
Bleu Edmondson  06/09/2005            
I recently had the opprotunity to host the Bleu Edmondson Band at my ranch. Although the venue was different, Bleu was amazing, and the new band is great. I was only in Texas to help my family set up for the function, and the vacation was more work then play. Hearing Bleu made it all worth it. After the concert we got the chance to talk to the band, and they are all awesome people. I live in Boulder, CO now, and I have been working to create a Texas Music following up here. One of the first bands I play for people here is the Bleu Edmondson Band. On another note, the live CD is due out at the end of the year. It will have the new band included. I don't know if it will have new material, but I did hear some of the bands new songs. Bleu is keeping to his roots and continuing to write great songs.
Bleu Edmondson  05/18/2005            
I like Bleu and I think that he could write some realyy good stuff if he would get off his ass and do it. He has a great beginning already, he just needs to do something. I'm bored of cover song's and the same song's I've been hearing for the past three year's. Do't get me wrong I lve the guy but it's time to either poop or get out the room. Randy Rogers, Wade Bowen and many more have done so much more since his last release. They are leaving him in the dust and I knw that many of his fan's are too. Come on Bleu, get something out there for us to get excited about. I will stil come to your shows, but if there is a band like Randy, Mickey, Wade, Stoney, or Mike Mancy in town, I'm sorry buddy but I have to go see these guy's. Love yuh, you just have to get it done.
Bleu Edmondson  05/01/2005            
Come back to the wormy dog!!!
Bleu Edmondson  03/28/2005            
Last weekend at the Wormy Dog was one to remember. Friday night saw Bleu and Jack play to a packed house. Personally, Bleu was by far the more entertaining of the two acts with Jack gaining points for nearly falling off the stage three or four times. While Bleu's vocals are not Stoney-esque, his live performances coupled with Colby's guitar prowess have me looking for more and more tour dates; oh yeah, he's also one of the coolest and most humble guys around. Saturday saw Reckless come on after Hoglegg Ellis played for a while. This was my first time seeing the Waco based band and they weren't bad. Points to the guys for having some personality and showmanship on and off stage and for knowing where Mexia is. As for Reckless...they were Reckless. One of the top bands around in my opinion. Original lyrics, great vocals, and great musicians. The guys put on one hell of a show and had the house rocking. Thanks Idaho.
Bleu Edmondson  03/18/2005            
What can you say about a band this amazing? The CD's Bleu has put out are great, but this promises to be the best year yet. The true Bleu Edmondson Band experience is a LIVE SHOW. If you haven't seen them, they're the best around. Not convinced yet? Pick up a live CD coming out in 2005 and then make your own decision. Then I'll see you at the next show...
Bleu Edmondson  03/12/2005            
Bleu is hands down my favorite, favorite, favorite!!! I fell in love the first time I saw him and he puts on the best freakin show there is! I moved to Colorado 2 months ago and am pretty homesick- mostly for Texas music. Nothin beats a hot summer night, cold beer and good music in New Braunfels!!! Keep it up! Come to Colorado!!!
Bleu Edmondson  03/02/2005            
Adam Vyvial
My girlfriend and I, along with some friends, saw them when they played at Gruene Hall back in January. They absolutely rocked!!! We were really impressed with their music and performance. We thuroughly enjoyed it and we can't wait to see them again!
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