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Big Gut  05/19/2005          
Those Songs
I saw these guys last weekend in Baton Rouge and they were awesome. I love there true Texas sound. Keep up the good work. I love Ed Stock!!!
Russ  05/04/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
The Capt. Legendary Band's debut album, "Those Songs," is a bracing, but most welcome reminder of how real - and fun - country music can be when stripped of the thick layer of Nashville schlock that suffocates most "radio" country. These Texas and Louisiana bred boys clearly find influences in the outlaw sounds of Willie and Waylon, but their music is neither cookie-cutter nor derivative. Spurred to purchase the CD after thorougly enjoying a couple of their live shows - these guys genuinely seem to love the stage - I don't think I began to appreciate the variety and the depth of the musical and lyrical textures on "Those Songs" until the second or third time I had a chance to listen to it all the way through. "Kemah Bay" recalls good times on the Gulf Coast in vivid detail and asks - as most of us have - why those good times never last. "Four Walls" is a smartly written drinkin' song, poured neat, about the times when a bottle and solitude are better for the soul than the company friends or women can provide. You will find no political correctness on "Four Walls" or anywhere else on "Those Songs." Depsite its mournful content, "Four Walls" exudes a rebellious spirit that ol' Merle and the 'Possum would have to admire. Two post-breakup songs, "Still the Same" and "Another Day" are about as good as that time-honored country genre can produce, with "Still the Same" taking a defiant tone, while "Another Day" calmy, almost matter-of-factly confronts the painful realities of having your heart broken but without resorting to any sentimentality that would drain the tune of its understated power. Indicative of the vibe at their live shows, boot-stompin' roadhouse sounds are plentiful on the album, perhaps most clearly in the title track, in which "Those songs keep drivin' me to drink," and on "P&WT", a romp through some good advice Daddy gave about the dangers of loose women and strong drink...but you get the feeling that the boys in the CLB won't be giving up on either women or whiskey any time soon. "Not Tonight," provides more hard-drinkin' fare, prompted by woman troubles, but it cleverly ends on a decidely raucous note. When they sing that they "really don't give a damn," the song perks up and takes off, as if the liquor has kicked in, the sorrows are drowned, and the party is on. I can't help but grin and picture a ne'er do well drinking buddy when we hear, at the same time the party starts, that "Jimmy Boy keeps tellin' me I'm the man." Perhaps the best thing about "Those Songs" is that there isn't a bad one in the bunch. All are thoughtfully and cleverly written, but without putting on airs. This is an album you can enojoy all the way through, and I strongly suggest you do just that. If you happen to be able to pop a top and whoop it up a bit while you do, that's just all the better.
karen  05/04/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
Wow. These guys are what real music is all about. Can't wait to see them again.
butch p.  05/04/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
Great stuff. This CD has a little bit of it all. Have recently seen some live shows and heard some new material. Can't wait for the next CD to come out!!!
butch p.  05/04/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
Great stuff. This CD has a little bit of it all. Have recently seen some live shows and heard some new material. Can't wait for the next CD to come out!!!
Mark M  03/18/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
These guys are simply awesome. Their TX roots and attitude can be clearly heard through their new album. The Capt. Legendary Band is what Tx music is truly about: drinking beer and having a kick ass good time. Keep up the good work guys.
Txmusicfan  02/18/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
great rookie album....great strings and lyrics. get theses guys some more gigs. the album doesn't do justice to their live show. great musicians who simply love to be on stage.
Susie  02/16/2005          
Those Songs
These guys are great.
New Fan  02/11/2005          
Captain Legendary Band
Artist Review
These guys are great and their CD rocks!

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