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stlogan  01/08/2009          
What I'm For
Album Review
Ludwig your a dumb stubborn poop.... if you would take the time and appreciate what Pat was doing for Texas music you would realize that all of these songs are absolutely amazing and that he cant stay in the college years and keep writing songs like carry on and whos to say...Pat is an amazing musician and absolutely awesome... SCRATCH OFF!
ludwig  01/08/2009          
What I'm For
Album Review
wow. i think the death pfg is official. Previewing these tracks made me feel miserable. Who told him it was a good idea to butcher CARRY ON, record nine subpar tracks and call it an album? I pray that he plays his old stuff the next time he comes to town.
jared  01/05/2009          
What I'm For
Album Review
well, he gayed up a once great song. I wish he wouldn't have done that!
Keith  01/05/2009          
Pat Green
Artist Review
God help us...Pat what happened to you? You were a hero in Texas! Was that not good enough? You screwed up
Dallas  01/05/2009          
Pat Green
Artist Review
At least he's trying again. "What I'm For" is his best album since "Wave on Wave" this is his 7th best album (out of 10). I can see Randy Rogers or Cory Morrow doing an album like this, therefore it's acceptable. The new version of "Carry On", however, is not acceptable.
Lostin Austin  01/05/2009          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I have seen his music go from great to cheesy. For his new album he has hired a big time Nashville producer to give him a big time Nashville sound. Boy did he get one. Like he harps on "Country Star" he is "riding shotgun with Kenny, Faith and Tim." Guess their is no room in the truck for Walt, CCR and Cory any more. As a side note, 10 songs is a rip off in this day and age. He could have fit 4 or 5 more sounds on the CD. And to use Carry On again???? This version is cleaner and omits the refrence to Walt Wilkens in favor of "Walt, well he" for some unknown reason. Would it kill him to throw a bone to Walt, who helped him pin the songs that got him started, and they we really love? I will take my chances on an unknown artist from this website. Thumbs down to Pat Green this round. For you clowns saying "stick with him" that is misplaced loyality if you ask me. He has none for Walt Wilkens, so I got none for him. For a good shot for Texas Country grab the self-titled Buster Jiggs CD and petition them to get that line-up back together.
Ford  01/04/2009          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I love the old Pat Green, Carry On, Here We Go, Southbound 35 etc. While i do not like his newer stuff because he is in Nashville now and his sound is more big country than texas country. Pat definetley paid his dues here in Texas, he spent a long time making little money and generating those old songs everyone loves.
Larryttu  01/02/2009          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I've been a fan of Pat for a long time. I don't mind him changing his music or trying new things, it's a good thing to grow artistically. With that being said, for him to change the lyrics to "Carry On" (probably one of the best written songs ever)is just a slap in the face to his Texas fans! I can understand trying to reach new fans...but you can easily do that with new songs. Someone praised him for being fearless in trying new things. Well, I say it was pretty gutsy to try and change the past, when that's what got you to the place you're in now. We'll keep buying the albums, but only because of LOYALTY! We'll never forget why we fell in love with Pat's music!
w00tSter  12/08/2008          
What I'm For
Album Review
I loves me some Nashville.
CN09  12/01/2008          
Pat Green
Artist Review
I find it very funny to see the reviews posted about Pat and the music he is recording. It's funny to me because, bottom line, the man is getting paid to do something he loves and all ya'll can do is bash him for it. I agree his sound has changed but last I checked nobody is forcing you to buy or listen to it. I myself still love the stuff he is doing because it is just that; new and different. It is hard to find an artist that takes the risk to allow himself to grow as a person as well as a musician. I love his older stuff as well, but how bored would everyone be if he put out seven "Here We Go" albums and beat that sound into the ground. All I'm saying is to let the man do his thing, it's up to you to buy it or not. If you can put out new material every year in a half that is better than Mr. Green's (I seriously doubt it) then I'd love to hear it, if not do something productive with your own life instead of knocking someone who is.

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