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Ft.Worth  01/21/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
Cooper kicked some ass at The Horseman Fri. great job great band keep it up
ft. worth fans  01/20/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
hey teri you said it all  01/11/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
hey Teri in Missouri, you put it all in words that we couldn't describe. Saw Johnny Cooper in Steamboat Springs and you are right. Go in not knowing what to expect and have your jaw drop. Thanks for the writingthis review, your friends in New Mexico, now JCoop Fans!
teri~MandolinDoll  01/10/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
JOHNNY COOPER~ This will be a name of a man that will make history! Music comes from his fingertips and off the lips of such a youthful but extremely strong individual. Don't let his age fool you... The years of experience surround Johnny from decades he never lived. The guise of years that we see is just a surface of what he holds inside yet to come out like the souls of the great artist that place their hands on his shoulders and guide him down a road in this music industry they themselves traveled and fought for what they believed in. Johnny shall carry on in the same way. There are many strengths and traits Johnny shows on and off stage, one being of a true musician... meaning he loves it enough to listen to others and learn, traits that come from his father...from his band members and from "HIS" love of REAL MUSIC played long ago and of his own unique sound and lyrics. You can't help but feel the energy that comes from the depth and understanding that has been instilled in him. His way... and his songs have something greater than karma... His personal manor in how he makes a song come alive is by all means ...stop you in your tracks and say HollyPoop... he is unbelievable! AND I MEAN WHERE YOU STAND! I seen Johnny for the first time a few months ago at the Snorty Horse and at the time I had no idea of what to expect. I am beginning to think that is the best way to go to a show... not sure of what to expect. As I stood there literally with my mouth dropped I really was stopped in my tracks in amazement. I myself couldn't believe someone Johnny's age could deliver a show like that and be that good at it! Even the song Brown Eye Girl..I have always said, NO not brown eyes GREEN! But that night I sat there and said DAMN for the first time I wish my eyes were brown! LOL! One of the greatest qualities I shall add is that someone has instilled the importance of when speaking to someone... you look them in the eyes not to just listen to what they say but to hear what they have to say. As we talked before the show of many things I wanted to share with him about promoting his music and looking forward to the show. He shared his time and the presence of his interest of what I had to say and with that I seen in his eyes a young man that truly wants the best for his future. He cares! And in that short time I became what I call a loyal fan and a new friend. Johnny is a gifted musician and vocalist that I believe WILL make history, not just because of his personality and talents but because of the fact that he knows.....''HE'S ONLY AS BIG AS HIS CROWD MAKES HIM~and as it grows he to will grow but without the attitude! Thank you Dad Cooper for seeing my karma that I express and wanting some of it! As parents of a great individual you should be praised for your doing! Thank you! To all of you that took the time to read this I thank you and encourage you to take a good listen to Johnny Cooper and hear what I'm talking about... The song Red Dirt tells a story of a journey that will take place... Johnny will walk those same roads that the ones before him traveled. Thanks to those who have learned from others mistakes he has a long path ahead of him to follow. While keeping the flow he will get on with it... He will leave his mark on this music industry with his very own doing! The only way..... the ''REAL WAY'' teri~MandolinDoll MandolinDoll Photography MISSOURI!
steamboat springs  01/06/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
can't wait to see you acoustic and with your band. Yes we are cold, but your music makes us warm! Rock on JCoop. Your Colarado fans are here!
rawked the dawg  01/04/2008          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
jcoop and stoney rawked the dawg on new year's eve. what a way to bring in the new year. kuddos to both bands for kicking some a$$ and taking no names. hope to see you both play together again and soon. the okc army.
RedDirt Okie mom  12/29/2007          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
JOHNNY COOPER now this kid IS one of the greatest artists in the Red Dirt industry. You will ALWAYS have an enormous fan club young an old alike. Ignore the ignorance of some who wouldn't know talent if it jumped up and bit them in the tush! We love COOP!
trent decker  12/29/2007          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
what a great singer and player.if there was higher than 5 star like 10 or 20 i would put it.and all you people that think hes not good or he dose this or that well you must not know what red dirt music is,because he is red dirt music. and he is very well reconized artist.....
to Real Ranch  12/29/2007          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
What show did you go to? And what medications are you taking? Stop trashig JCoop. His Army is strong and believe in him as an original artist. Maybe you need some comforting? Or just maybe you have a problem with people with real talent? No matter. We see right through you and it makes us laugh! The Real Ranch supporters!
Hey JD  12/29/2007          
Johnny Cooper
Artist Review
How about not showing up at all? JCoop will be headlining soon brotha. Do we sense some jealousy? Stay at home since negative energy sucks. Have a couple of bud lights on all of us. JCoop Fans see what's real! Rock on and Peace to your negative spirit!

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