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Chief Brody  07/14/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
"Great songs that will live forever..."
michael  07/12/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Yorne, jackson is not a bad man just has a very bad reputation. I know the guy personally and I tell you he would give his shirt off his back for someone else. He just lived alot harder life than most people and so what if its a little wilder than other that what separates him from the rest. It dive me crazy how people bash the guy. It funny because most off them don't have a clue what he is about and just flat out couldn't relate because their life has been so easy. The guy has so much talent billy joe shaver say he one of his favorites. Just read the last article they did on this page. with that your not alone his music help out lot of people even me.
Yorne  07/12/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
I do not under stand how could any one bad talk Jackson Taylor. I buy cds on line and they change my life. I not hear this music in my country, only Nashville music. I hear Pat green and the Cross Canadian Raggweed and it sounds good to me. Jackson Taylor is more real, more honest, more like the music i like, he is more like Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams and Hank Willians JR. He sounds verry strong and verry hard but also there is sensitive. Is he bad man, is that why some peoples hate him so much? Is he prison for something? I do not know I do not live in Texas, but Jackson make me wish that I did. His songs mean verry much to me and my friends. I wish that no one hated him so much. Music is verry special and makes life worth living when things are bad. so even if jackson Taylor is bad man his music is verry good for me.
T.Ryan  07/10/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Shooter J., you are a gutless turd. Hiding behind a computer and using someone else's name makes you a disgrace to the entire fabric of this community. If you wanna talk smack at least use your real name.Come to Midnight Rodeo in Austin this Friday and see what happens.
Cool hand luke  07/09/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Jess you have gone to far now. You take that back or I will find you. I understand now why Jackson wrote No Apologies, it is to you little punks. I geuss the fact that folk like you dont like him makes me like him more, I am getting my JTB tattoo this week. Rock on!
michael  07/09/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
for the record if he is ripping u off shooter j. Its ok because he is a hell of alot better at it. And by the way waylon would have dug it too. Just like billy joe shaver says he does. The man with the songs that broke waylon in the seventys (Honky Tonk Heros) all songs billy joe. roll that one up and smoke it.PS don't pretend u are someone that u aren't it is disrespectful to that person and everybodyelse
kevin  07/09/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
jtb is the, that is all there is to say. Can't wait untill dark days
Cool Hand Luke  07/08/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Jackson Taylor Rocks!!! I,m a hard born whiskey drinker night lifein bar room deep thinker i wasnt cut for the sunny days i need the decay of the alley ways so all you pretty sons of bitchis with your happy blue sky smilin hearts go on and dance in the sun shine I'd rather stay here in the dark
Toni  07/07/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Whiskey Sessions is the best CD. I love every song. I can not wait till Dark Days comes out. Anyone who is reading this, do your self a favor and get Whiskey Sessions. T
Steven  07/06/2007          
Jackson Taylor & the Sinners
Artist Review
Why don't all you haters that have nothing to do but sit on your tumbs in front of the computer. lay off all this band bashing. the fact that you have no clue about music gets me tired of reading them. go write on a page that excepts low life wantabees. Were we can enjoy real music with real people.

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