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Stop Already  12/08/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
The CD speaks volums about life in general. I love that I can listen to it and see my own life. None of it was written for me or about me. I have no claims to anything related to this CD. However an amazon is a good thing. Must be nice to shop somehwere other than the little girls department. I look forward to getting to know more about this band and where they come from. This is one of the best CDs that I have bought from lonestarmusic and I do not regret it abit. The smack talking made me do it!
LILY OF THE CORN FIELD  12/08/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Ok if Shane has made bad decisions in his realtionship, then that is his choice! Not everyone thinks that they were bad! Just keep going forward and never look back! I had to learn that and I am the happiest person in the world! I found what I deserved and you deserve a WHOLE LOT better than that!! Keep rockin, yall are great!!
Jealous......Jenni  12/04/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Damn, I wish that I had the talent that Shane and his band has. Their music really speaks to you. They have the talent to play good music, write good songs and seemingly piss other people off. Remember good or bad the publicity is GREAT! I hope you guys plow through your rough times and never look back. Put the trash in the dumpster and leave it for someone else to deal with. Looking forward to a show near me, that means get your butts back to Hobbs!
Josh  12/01/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Super CD! You guys running him down in his personal life make me wanna see and hear him anymore. If he has been doing the same show for 4 years I have really been missing out, but it must be good! If he is leaving baggage there must be a reason. Leaving things behind means gaining better in the future. I wish this little band well. See you down the road. Looking forward to hearing a new CD about his "new"life.
BIG FAN  11/28/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Love the CD guys...keep going and don't give up. It may not seem worth it but in the end it will be!
Sandy  11/28/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
AWESOME!!!! The CD sounds greatand the band is even better in person. I own both CD's. I love them both. I am so glad to know that Shane is finally happy and in a great place in his life. The band is moving forward in their lives and leaving old baggage in the dust! Congrats Shane and Scott and Brent and Joe and Nathan. I am so proud of you!
Carla  11/14/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
I hope that everybody is loving the CD!! You all need to run out and buy 10 more copies for friends, enemies even the mailman!! Things are in the works for an acoustic tour and look for us coming to your town!! is a great place to buy music......Get ours here now!!!!
JAG  08/08/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Shane's 2nd album is much fuller and diverse than "Texas Kind of Mood" but the biggest difference that will make this album succesful is "2nd Time Around" in my opinion is Shane telling his story and feelings as he experienced them while chasing his music dream. This album showed a much more seasoned Shane Rogers. The album art work down to the hand picked journey of songs "2nd time around" is one for your collection.
spot mescalero  08/08/2006          
Second Time Around
these west texas boys are baa dass buy this cd RIGHT NOW!
Nikki  07/14/2006          
Shane Rogers Band
Artist Review
Love the new CD. It is better than the first and the first was wonderful. You guys are great, I love listening to ya'll at The Sting on Thursday. It gets better each week. To all of those people who are bashing the band, grow up, they are a wonderful band who have worked hard to get where they are at. Brent you are a hell of a player and Shane you have a great voice and an excellent attitude. Love yall so much, keep up the good work.

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