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Delores J.  07/21/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
O M G I love this band. I saw them at the Sundown club in Bay City this past week-end, July 16. I've lived here for three yrs and have never heard anything like these guys. Their variety is second to nobody. I like the way they sing. Their vocal harmonies are beautiful. They can really get heavy too. They have this guitar player that is incredible ! ! He's the best I've heard. I heard him tell everyone to check this site out and I read the other reviews about this band. I'll just say one thing...the other reviews are right on......these guys are the best and they have one "hell" of a guitar player ! They play the best Santana I've ever heard anyone do and they don't even have keyboards ! Because that guitar player with the black hat is so incredible, me and my girlfriends were left speechless when they played this one Santana song (can't remember which one) but the place just exploded when they finished it. Absolutely love this band.
Billy Jaye  07/19/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
Damn, where did these guys come from. I saw these guys in Bay City at the Sundown and some dude from the band said to check out their reviews at I did today and all it did was comfirmed what I saw Saturday night. These guys hit like a train. Damn, I play guitar too with a band in Angleton but they got this older guy that absolutely rips on guitar and I've been to many concerts and haven't seen anybody play like this dude. He can rip you to pieces, like a shark ! I love to see someone play like that. I love this band....Man they are bad ass and their drummer absolutely rules. I'm coming back, that's for sure.
Angie Domiguez  07/19/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
My boyfriend and I saw this band Saturday at the Sundown Club in Bay City, TX. My Gosh, could they play. We've been to this club several times but they've never had no one like these guys. They were excellent ! We were with 3 more couples and we just couldn't take our eyes off them. When they played this song, Black Magic, they turned every head in the house and this guitar player they have who wore a black hat just brought the house down ! ! When they finished that song, Black Magic", the whole place exploded. We talked about this band all day Sunday ! Especially that older dude they got playing guitar. He was amazing. Their drummer was unbelievable too. This band really grabed our attention. We are their # 1 fans in Bay City. We can't wait to see guys again. They look like the really enjoy playing together.
Dillon K  03/31/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I saw this band for the second time when they opened for the Bellamy Brothers at Route 36 in Rosenberg, TX. All I can say is that I thought they sounded much better than the Bellamys even tho I loved the classics that the Bellamys were known for. When this band played Santana's Black Magic Woman, it lifted them at least 2 nothches above the Bellamys cause I don't know of any band around here that would even attempt that song much less without a keyboard player and I've seen them do it twice, the first time was the first time I saw them a couple of weeks ago. The guitar player in this band absolutely "smokes" and they also have an incredible drummer. This band is in a league by themselves. I'm going to make everyone of their gigs if I know where they are at. Keep kick'n it boys !
Mona S.  03/29/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
Hi ya'll. I'm a friend of Mike S. and he told be to check out this bands reviews. Well I saw this band with the Belamy Bros. this past week and they just floored me. I love the Belamys but these guys are absolutely on fire. Texas, be proud of what's right here, In our back yards........oooh weee, Damn ! !
Mike Shealby  03/29/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
Wow ! ! It's all I can say ! ! I dropped almost 80 bucks to see these guys again at the Bellamy Bros. show at Route 36 in Rosenberg this past Sunday night and even though my girl and I enjoyed the Bellamys, we wish we could of seen more of the Fox. Damn, that guitar player would make Santana sweat when they played Black Magic Woman. That's now my favorite song ! The Fox's drummer is fantastic and fits this band to the T's ! We enjoyed the Bellamys with all their hits and stuff but I think the Fox sounded better. More clearer and alot more powerful ! This here is my band now. Keep it up guys. Will certainly be back.
David Lackey  03/14/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
This band deserves a 10 star rating. Not just a five. I was at this place called Route 36 that me and my buddies go in for a beer every weekend and just check out the music. This band was head and shoulders, scratch that, they were belly button head and shoulders above anything we've seen in that club. Their lead guitar player handed my buddies a couple of business cards and I got to shake his hand. I felt I was in the presence of greatness. I've never seen anyone play guitar like this guy. He was an older dude but I can tell you one thing, he smoked just about everything I've ever seen. I play a little guitar myself and I used to play in a local band there in Sugarland but man, this guy made me put my tongue back in my mouth. He played a Santana song that absolutely brought the house down. I mean down. We couldn't take our eyes off that older fella all night long. The band played the best variety that has ever been in this club. Everybody we talked to, even some pool players in the other room, said all they wanted to do was watch this band. I wanna know when they are coming back. Me and my buddies will DEFINITELY be there. Keep doing what your doing. Man oh Man !
Dillon K  03/13/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I got a business card from your guitar player last night at Route 36 In Rosenberg, and all I can say is Hot Damn. What a band ! ! We go to this club every week-end to hang out and down a few brewskys and all we ever see there are the bands playing the same beer drink'n, my baby left me, my horse died crap and this band played Texas style country and rock and other styles I've never really listened to and they blew my socks off with their choice of music and this damn guitar player they have. That dude brought the house down on this Santana song they played. I've never heard anybody attempt the stuff this guy played ! He's incredible. The band is awesome. I'm definitely keeping up with these dudes ! Good luck boys !
Shelly Sewar  03/13/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I'm from Sugarland and I've been to this club, Route 36 in Rosenberg, Tx almost every week-end since it's been open and I've never seen a band like this band I saw last night. We didn't even want to dance ! ! They were so entertaining we just wanted to watch ! They had some older dude playing guitar that absolute mesmerized the audience all night long. I was with 6 other girls and we couldn't take our eyes off of this band all night long. We really enjoy their variety of music which we've never seen in this place. I really don't like beer joint music so this band was like a breath of "fresh air" to us. Literally...Unbelievable. I'm definitely going to keep up with these guys. They also had a terrific drummer. He was amazing. The whole band was incredible. Will definitely see ya'll again.
Mike Shealby  03/13/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
My girlfriend and I were at Route 36 last night in Rosenberg and this was the first time I've seen this band and all I can say is Holy Sh*t ! ! Where have they been ?? They are one smok'n band and have the greatest variety of any 10 bands that have ever played in this place. We come here every week-end. I picked up a business card from their guitar player who absolutely tore the place up. This guy wore a hat like Stevie Ray and played with the same feeling and aggresiveness I've ever seen ! ! He's the best I've seen and he really appreciated my comments to him ! ! He doesn't have a clue as to how good he really is. He's an older dude but I can tell he's been around. My girlfriend spoke about him all night long. His version of Black Magic Woman took our breath away. The club just went wild when it was over. Damn......what a band ! !

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