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Justin K  03/03/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I saw you guys for the first time this past Friday, Feb. 25. I'm a bass player and all I can say is that your band is really tight with really good vocal harmonies. You also have a smok'n lead guitar player. My guitar player was with me speaking out loud he was dreaming he could play with all the tone your guitar player has. Man, he smokes. The whole band just overwhelms you. I am really, really impressed. Hope you see you guys again. Wish I knew where you are playing. I'd be at everyone of your gigs. Good Luck.
Cheryl  03/02/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I saw you guys at the Asleep at the Grill tent last year when it was freezing and again this year, 2011, Feb. 25. All I can say, you guys get better with time. I really enjoyed ya'lls vocal harmonies ! They were so strong and that rascal you got playing lead can rip you face off by the way he plays. He's such a clean player and he doesn't just throw noise out on his guitar. It was sooo good to see ya'll again this year. The couple I was with talked about ya'lls band all the way home and how that guitar player you have just smoked everybody. Can't wait to know where you guys are playing next.
Josh  03/02/2011          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
Man oh Man...I finally got to see you guys again at the Houston Rodeo BBQ cook-off, Lord Have guys brought the house down. That dude you got playing guitar absolutely blew my mind away. Billy Gibbons has got nothing on him. ZZ Top would be proud the way you guys did their material ! Ya'll had some great vocal harmonies. You guys hit like a bomb ! I was there at the Asleep at the Grill tent again on Saturday and the Zydeco band they had sounded got for the first hour and then they put me to sleep. Their songs all sounded the same. But you guys, the Fox, grabed our attention and held it. It was so cool to have your lead player step out into the audience and cut loose. Man.......can that dude get down. Don't slack back....keep up the good work and I'll be looking for where you guys are playing.
Lacy K.  11/22/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
Saw these guys in Bay City, TX this past month, November 2010. Man, did they rock the house. I enjoyed the other bands too but there was something special about this band. Their guitar player was outstanding. All the bikers that were there really enjoyed them. My husband thought they were the best band he's ever heard. You've got some fans now Fox.
Jason W.  11/22/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I saw these guys in Bay City, TX. on Nov. 13, 2010. They were the closing band for a benefit given to one of their ex-musicicans that used to play in this band. I think there were 2 or 3 other bands and everyone had guitar players who were SRV "clones". But I'll tell you one thing, this band has a guitar player that would make Billie Gibbons of ZZ Top stand up and take note ! ! This guy has figured out that it's not about if you play behind you head, between your legs, behind you back, IT'S WHAT YOU PLAY THATS COUNTS. This older dude brings the meat to the table in SPADES ! ! This also had some incredible vocal harmonies. Hell, I thought they sounded like the Eagles. Riding home on my Harley, I couldn't get their sound out of my head ! ! They are now my favorite band. I certainly won't forget them ! !
James D.  06/29/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I finally found your web page ! ! Saw you guys at Tuesdays in Richmond. Man, you rock the house and that guitar player you guy have absolutely smokes. I love the way he does the blues and ZZ Top. Ya'll's original is happening too !! But that guitar player has tone on top of tone. Don't see many like him. Can't wait to see you guys again. Keep Rock'n guys
Darla  06/21/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
What a great band. I've been to this club Tuesdays in Richmond 3 or 4 times and these guys rock. Great sound, no gimmicks, like this one band that I saw there where almost all their songs had recorded tracks. I used to sing in a blues band & I can spot that crap a mile away. This band has great vocal harmonies and one hot-ass guitar player. I will be back !
Tera & John Kilmer  06/21/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I'm just sitting here Monday morning drink my coffee thinking about last Friday night, June 18 when my husband and I and about seven other friends were at this club called Tuesdays in Richmond, TX. We saw this band called Dulwich Fox and somebody in the band said to check out Lonestar about this band. People, let me tell you, this band kicks some serious, serious, booty........ya'll here me. They sounded really fantastic and they have some older looking dude that absolutely rips on the guitar. We haven't seen anyone like him in this area. This is our third visit to the club and our friends who came with us just couldn't take their eyes off the band. They had excellent harmony vocals but that guitar player they had just smoked up the place when he cut loose. My husband kept saying, look at that dude go ! ! We want to know when they're coming back or in this area. We're following this band. Hey Yall......Check em out. We were blown over. Believe my when we say....they are certainly not some "beer joint" band you usually see in this area. Fox, you got some new fans.
Mike S.  04/26/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
I saw this band at a place called Stubby's in Needville,TX this past Saturday night. I sat there at the bar and couldn't take my eyes off them. Compared to the other bands I've seen in this area, they are belly button, head and shoulders above all the rest. Not many people knew they were playing at this place and the only reason I stopped was cause of the sign on the road & I saw them the last time they were at this club and I wanted to see if their lead guitar player was for real or he just had a "lucky" night the last time I saw them. Let me tell you all something....he's for real. He literally smoked the room !! I go to concerts all the time and he has to be one of the best musicians/guitar player I've ever seen. Although he's an older guy, don't let him fool ya, he can rip everyone I've seen to pieces. When this band hits, it's like a "tidal wave"! ! I really enjoyed them. They had us hollering and clapping after every song. Keep smok'n boys.
Kylie  03/03/2010          
Dulwich Fox
Artist Review
People, let me tell you !!! Be sure you are listening. This here is THE REAL TEXAS BAND. Forget about all that waltz and crying in your beer stuff and my baby left me BS. I'm tell'n ya, this here is a band that Whoops Some Serious Ass and their guitar player rips like a Great White Shark if you know what I mean. I play guitar in a girl rock band and my boyfriend and two other girls from my band braved the cold weather just to watch this band smoke. They played everything which is astounding. I heard some of their original tunes and they were super !!! I've seen faster guitar players and BS play behind your back guitar players but the dude in this band brings the MEAT to the table in SPADES. He's the best I've seen. You've got some followers here guys.

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