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vinny big  07/26/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
hey You Know, before you start talking about criticism and being criticized maybe you should learn how to spell them correctly. stay cool guys.
Kellie from Padre  07/24/2002          
Live @ Billy Bob's
***AWESOME*** You guys are too good! Between Dr. B, Cameron and myself, we are really getting your music out there on the Island. We play CCR in the boat, the backyard at parties and of course... at Gary and Becky's...CCR is ALWAYS on the speakers rockin the canals! We just love all of you! Great job and come back and party with us soon! See ya on Aug. 2nd!!!
CJ  07/22/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
I think it is a good CD but not as good as the wormy dog CD. i too think it sounds polished and I have seen CCR many times live and it always sounds better than the billy bobs album. they made pat green sound crappy so it's nothing against CCR. too nashville!
Justin giles  07/20/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
I've seen them 3 or 4 times and they always leave me amazed. If you appreciate good music, then it doesn't matter that they don't fit into a genre. Just saw them at cactus music in Houston for their signing release party and all I can tell you is that if you liked their Billy Bob's album, their Purple album to be released in September will silence the critics and please the fans. The song "17" off that album will be a #1 hit. Keep up the good work guys.
Bryan Walker  07/16/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
CCR did it again with there great songs and awesome atmosphere. This CD is one of their best to date.
James C  07/16/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
CCR`s new cd is good just like all of there music. and for someone to think otherwise is bulshit. whoever said that doesnt sound like them is a goddam moron they must not have ever listend and also iam sure jeremy cody grady and randy give a flying fuck about what any review says.
David Peters  07/16/2002          
Live @ Billy Bob's
I think your new CD is kick ass. I am going to buy it my brother has it and we have been listening to it.
musician  07/13/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
i retract my previous statement..... the new album is polished, but ragweed catches enough critisism from those assholes in nashville, they don't need to hear that their new album sucks from their own fans...critisism is NOT fun, it hurts when someone finds something wrong with your art....espescially someone whos supposed to be a die hard fan.... so if you dont like the billy bobs album..DON'T BITCH....just wait for purple.....thanx
CCR Fan  07/12/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
I would have to say I was disappointed. Perhaps the long wait ? I don't know. I am a HUGE fan and will buy every CD the guys put on no matter. But, this album just doesn't sound like them. I have been to numerous live CCR shows and this album didn't capture their true sound. I really miss all the banter between songs too. I would still recommend it to any CCR fan though.
You Know...  07/12/2002          
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Artist Review
There's nothing wrong w/ critisium. What fun would it be to be a musician if you didn't get critisized once in awhile. You would get bored! I think it's great! CCR is the BEST group in the circuit right now and it's kind of fun to see them get critisized for the first time in their life! YOu guys ROCK! I read these reviews and I don't even think CCR is the one being critisized! It's the production of the new album. It seems more produced than live, and the fans LOVE LOVE LOVE CCR's raw live presence. When they buy the album they expect that, and when they don't get it, it's critisized! Can't believe I'm even posting something one here! You guys are great. Peace Love

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