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brad  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
I've had the pleasure of knowing and even working with Randy Rogers since before he really had a band. He's the same guy I knew 5 years ago in San Marcos, except that more people are listening to his music now. Why are they listening? They're listening because it's an original take on common topics. What has and always will set the Randy Rogers Band apart from the rest of the "Texas Music" pack is Randy's ability to write great, creative songs; and the band's ability to perform the hell out of them. Radney Foster produced this album and really coaxed the best out of every band member. Randy's lyrics avoid cliche's and the musical arrangements on both of his studio cd's are second to none in this genre. I've had the pleasure and/or displeasure depending on your viewpoint to meet all of the "stars" in this scene and I must say as a group, the RRB are the nicest, most appreciative band in the scene. They truly are thankful for every fan that comes to the show, every cd that someone buys, every sticker that someone puts on their truck or guitar case, and every person that passes the gospel of the RRB on to someone else. I'm sorry if some of you have had a bad experience with the band. I assure that is a rare thing and urge you to go to a show, and keep listening to the greatest cd to come out of this scene in a couple years.
bob  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
I think the one thing I have loved about the RRB from the first time I heard them was that their music is distinct and different from everyone elses. The new album is one of the best CD's I have heard in a long time. To say that RRB's sound is just like everyone elses is just crazy. They have a very distinct style and sound that is one of the best out there
Reneé  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Rollercoaster seriously touches me like no other CD ever has. It is one of the most eloquently written CD's available - Randy's songwriting is second to none. Everything is perfection - even down to the sequencing of the songs. And the precise blending of the vocals and the Brady's fiddle makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. If you can't tell, I LOVE this CD. Even more than the CD though, is the guys that the band is composed of. They genuinely accept and appreciate their fans, and show this appreciation through unbelieveable performances day in and day out. I can't say enough about them... If I were to buy a single CD this year, I would purchase Rollercoaster - nothing else even comes close...
Amanda G.  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
You are entitled to you opinion, but I think most of the people on this forum would agree when I say that Rollercoaster is absolutely amazing. In my opinion, it is the CD of the year. I have not stopped playing it since I bought it. And I don’t know what you mean saying that their sound is just like everyone else. I think they have a very distinct sound that sets them apart from all other bands in Texas Music. And their live show is just simply amazing as well. There is such spirit and the music just touches your soul. And I have not met one member of the band that has ever been anything other than friendly and appreciative. Randy is always thanking his fans. I think they are a great group of guys. And I think they are headed towards great things!! And if you look around in here, I think everyone else pretty much agrees!!
Jodie  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Rollercoaster is absolutely amazing!!!In my opinion it is some of the best writing around.I have met and hung out with this whole band and I don't think you could've put together a nicer or more genuine group of guys.The talent this band holds is undeniable.They love their fans and show that love every single night they perform.If you don't have this cd...GET IT ASAP! As far as the negative reviews go...everyone has their own opinions and constructive criticism is welcome....but these reviews really do sound like a personal vendetta and know that on this review forum,you are very much in the minority.
Sweet Caroline  09/14/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Rollercoaster is all that we expected it to be and MORE! Hearing these songs live for the past year has been amazing but listening to this cd is a spiritual thing for me!! mrackmrack - not sure what TX music you are listening to but the RRB's sound is what makes them different than other artists...everything about their sound, lyrics and direction sets them apart from others... chris from denton - dude, you must be talking of an impersonator who doesn't know his subject because Randy Rogers is one of the most genuine, good hearted people I know! As far as his fans go, they are so much a part of his inspiration for his music and purpose in life that it is amazing... You both need to give the RRB another try!
a  09/13/2004          
This is one of the best cd's i've heard in awhile and this time around may be the best song i've ever heard.
mrackmrack  09/11/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
i wonder if the randy rogers band has ever mustered the desire to create music that they could proudly call their "own," or whether they will simply be satisfied for the rest of their careers duplicating the same sound i have heard from several other texas musicians. i do not want to attach this label of banality and staleness to all texas music, for i have seen some great talent emerge from these parts. however, it is clear that this band has simply reproduced the same sound that has worked for others. im sorry guys, but real talent entails innovation, something you lack immensely. bad music, put quite simply. i dont see your musical future taking too many more steps forward, but i may be proved wrong until some audiences decide to march out from the musical funk they are in. besides, you are rude and way too condescending for a person of your ability and physique.
Dennis from Corpus Christi  09/09/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
What a treat it is to hear this CD. It's on the front edge and likely to stay there. I have been listening and observing this band from the inside out for the last year and a half. They have matured musically with tremendous strides and there following is growing wildly. Catch them everytime you can!!
cuz  09/09/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Sorry you feel that way Chris from Denton, but it appears that you are the only one that feels that way. Must be something personal.

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