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SARAH  09/08/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
This is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time. I love that they put I miss you w/ me and Like it used to be at the very end of the album. Those are two of my fav Randy Rogers songs, old and new. R've had the privelege of meeting and hanging out w/ these guys, and I gotta say, they are great. They make you feel so welcome and it's like you've known them for years. If you're looking for some badass new music, then Rollercoaster is it!!!
Bob  09/07/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
The new album is really great.
Chris  09/05/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
It doesnt get better then randy rogers band.
Don  09/03/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
"Rollercoaster" - The new CD is just like the band, a ride that never ends. Seeing these guys live, it's easy to see why they're cranking out such great music. The passion they have for what they are doing is phenomenal! Keep up the great work guys! Lookin forward to seeing you guys LIVE, again, and again, and again...........
me  09/02/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Randy's cd's just keep getting better and better. If you don't buy Rollercoaster you are really missing out. Love you Randy, you know I'm your #1 fan.
Jimmy James  09/02/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
"Like it use to be", is one of the best album's I've ever heard. This band makes me proud to be from TEXAS. Keep the awesome song writin' come Randy !!!!
Kara  08/31/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Storytelling on the stage doesn't get any better than this. We love your music. Have seen you all of west Texas and metro. Rollercoaster rocks! Nothing better than the Randy Rodger's band in a Texas music pub, packing them in and jamming out until the streets lights go out. Hook em' Randy.
Brazen  08/31/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
"Like it use to be" put this band on the Texas map.. "Rollercoaster" will put a big stamp all over the U.S. map. This man can write songs from the soul and sing em' from the heart. He is even better live. Go see this band. Randy is a class act. Hope to see you in Dallas more often.
Lance  08/30/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
If you thought LIUTB is a fantastic album, then get Rollercoaster! This album blows up anything I've heard! Randy and the band are going to be huge!
BillyBobsFan  08/29/2004          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
This new album is one of the best yet from this genre. Texas Music has gotten stale and too many bands have become clones, but this band and album certifies that this kid is the real deal. Dont ask me, just ask Radney Foster who produced this album. Good job on the new album and can't wait to hear more!!

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