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GG2  04/20/2010          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
Live performance is awesome - sound as good as they look... Fun time - great music!
travis mitchell  05/02/2008          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
i is u
Trixie  09/14/2007          
Waiting On Tomorrow
I recieved a 3 song demo at one of TMB shows and I was blown away!! The energy and songwriting is awesome and I cant wait to buy the full album when it is it kinda helps that Travis is really easy on the eyes!
ATXrebel  09/14/2007          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
Saw these guys at Hills Cafe with Brandon Rhyder 2 days ago and got a free demo. It was as AWESOME as their show. Cant wait to get my full copy in the mail.
CRITIC  09/14/2007          
Waiting On Tomorrow
I received an advance copy of this album and all I have to say is to watch out for these guys...A very diverse album with several radio worthy songs. I hope they release "Ever Again" soon. LOVE IT!!
Hostile59  08/27/2006          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
Definately worth a second listen. Better live than the CD. The new music is more sophisticated which may not appeal to die hard Texas country but will have broader appeal long term. The lead does overpower the rest of the group but why cut down the tall trees?
Matt "Horty"  08/23/2006          
Forget What's Wrong
I've seen this guy grow up and evolve into something amazing. His song and style can definitely be branded as Texas Music. If you haven't seen his show, make damn sure you get to one soon.
Kicker  08/17/2006          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
The music on this CD is okay. There's potential. The lead guitar gets a little overwhelming almost to the point that I forget that I'm listening to country music. They're a young band and still need to develope their style a little more. Some stuff is really country and some stuff is really rock. The country style is good, more fiddle and less electric guitar.
Huh?>  08/01/2006          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
What a joke! The only good thing about this band is the the lead player. The songs and "singer" should be left behind for the sharks. I have heard enough about Lone Star Beer. The next person that drapes their cd with the Texas flag should be left with the singer of this "band"
Kayla Walker  07/21/2006          
Travis Mitchell Band
Artist Review
I've seen these guys 3 times in concert and I just can't wait untill I get to see them again! They have an awesome style in music. Country with their own style of rock and roll! It's a kick ass experience to see them in concert. They put on probably the best concerts I've ever been to. And they are some of the coolest guys I've ever met. If you haven't checked them out then you REALLY REALLY need to.

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