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And me....I'm kinda vain.  03/04/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
I wasn't saying he sold out. I did give him 5 stars. I was just saying that I though the use of saying 'he still sings "They Call It The Hill Country"' is faulty because he didn't write it. It would be like saying "Yeah Stoney is changing but he still sings the song "Fovever Young." It would be faulty cause he didn't write it and any number of artists can sing it. So I wasn't attaking your view, just your choice of proof. Anyways I agree with you. He is experimenting.... But it sucks cause he's experimenting on trying to write songs for a specific "Nashville" crowd and is in my opinion doing a bad job at it. Well on the other hand, he might be doing a good job at, but I just don't like that style of songs. Anyways I like this banter between us.
Justin  03/04/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Well sure he may not have written it, but Stoney Larue didn't write several of the songs he's got on his albums. "Forever Young" etc... but nobody accuses Stoney. (And Stoney is clearly an excellent Texas Musician). The point is, Randy is still doing good things for Texas Music, he just has a few bumpy spots with experimenting.
And me.... I'm kinda vain.  03/03/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
But he's not the guy that wrote "They Call It The Hill Country". Hell, anyone can sing it. He only got it cause Radney produced his album.
Justin  03/03/2007          
Just A Matter Of Time
True "Just a Matter of Time" sounds more nashville... like mentioned earlier, he's clearly not a sell-out. Using his band in the studio. Refusing "Super-star" tours. Sure, his fan base is ALOT bigger now, and packs places like Cowboy's Dancehall... he's still Randy Rogers the guy who sang "They Call it the Hill Country". When I come home from my duty station in crappy new york, I still can count on seeing Randy in a local concert. Not a sell-out. Just experimenting with a style that didn't sound like his other greats.
ern rules, but i'm not ern  03/02/2007          
Just A Matter Of Time
He may have wrote them but that doesnt make them good. He tried writing songs that would appeal to Nashville and they are horrible for the most part. I do like 2 or 3 songs....But I used to like the whole cd. He's always had a Nashville sound and leaned that way with his lyrics, but now he's jump all the way over and just like Cross and Jack. It's...different.
michael   03/02/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
Some idiot called Randy a sell out. Pat Green is a sell out.. Randy used his own band in the studio.. Pat used some Nashvile country studio artist to do his music. Nashville sucks.. Don't associate Randy with that Honkey Tonk Bonnadonkey donk crap..
Amii  02/28/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
these guys did NOT sell out! they are awesome....
txjunkie  02/27/2007          
Randy Rogers Band
Artist Review
these guys did not sell out, and if they put out the same damn albumn evertime they would be boring, they kick ass for putting out something different, and more power to them for shakin things up in nashville, have'nt you noticed a lot of bands in nashville trying to have the same sound. selling out is HONKY TONK BEDONKADONK, they are country true grit. They might sell out every venue they play, and yes they are better than anything in nashville or major label country. The RANDY ROGERS BAND is one more force in the fight to bring back good music. thank you for your help randy.
Michael  02/26/2007          
Just A Matter Of Time
What in the hell, ern? How is Randy a sell-out? He wrote or co-wrote almost every song on the record. He refused to go on tour with Chesney out of principle and he used his band on his record instead of studio hot-shots? In what way is he a sell-out?
ern  02/26/2007          
Just A Matter Of Time
sell out....i cry myself to sleep at night now randy.

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