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1CubFanInPA  08/02/2008          
"Bulletproof" is one fantastic CD and the best work RK has done since their "Under The Table and Above The Sun" CD. This compilation really rocks and the tracks flow easily from one to another. I've turned a lot of people who hadn't heard of RK up here in Northeastern Pennsylvania on to their music over the years, and "Bulletproof" makes it easier to convert those who were not on board up to this point. A must-own for any Texas-music fan!
1CubFanInPA  08/02/2008          
"Naive" is a terrific CD from MMC. While "Ain't In It For The Money" is still a better compilation of tunes and seems to flow better as a CD, the sound quality on "Naive" is superb. Best track is "Long Enough To Leave" and should be the follow-up single to "Grow Old". All in all "Naive" is one disc that any fan of this band will be pleased with and must own.
Gwen  08/02/2008          
Red River Rio Grand
Pretty cool CD. Love most of the songs. Not crazy about the ballad type songs. All in all, a great CD.
darren  08/01/2008          
Bo Cox
Artist Review
BORING........ Will put you to sleep.
Vince Murray  08/01/2008          
Dave Insley
Artist Review
I first heard of Dave on a news show. He was playin' with a band called the Trophy Husbands. As a real trophy husband (my wife may argue this point) I immediate liked the music and have been a fan ever since.
Lewis  08/01/2008          
Dave Insley
Artist Review
You have got to hear "Roy Boy." One of the catchiest, coolest songs I've ever heard.
Reckless in Alabama  08/01/2008          
This is an amazing album. Bullet Proof = Badass!
Gilligan  08/01/2008          
Bill and Bonnie Hearne
Artist Review
"Diamonds in the Rough" is not a CD for the rowdy, beer drinking crowd but one to enjoy when you want to kick back, sip your favorite beverage and listen to stories of life! It's for those who enjoy harmony and being able to hear the different sounds individually that make beautiful music. Oh, it has a few upbeat tunes such as the polka sound found in "Bluebonnet Girl" and the classic C&W sound in "Invitation to the Blues." My favorite on the CD is "Wild Geese." The tune is nice, the harmony is as good as it gets but make sure to focus on the message of the words. A beautiful classic song!
tumbleweed  08/01/2008          
Rolling Stone
I always get sentimental about Guadalupe. The reason why "the banks of the Guadalupe" is my favorite?
Ladybird  08/01/2008          
Emory Quinn
Artist Review
I saw Emory Quinn for the first time tonight and loved it. Can't wait to get out and catch them again soon!!!

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