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tnwajdq itzoxkf  07/30/2008          
Ryan Bingham
Artist Review
oktbzhm uteorby pbmgdurhk ifesb rvihpoyke emhbaro tdoj
John  07/29/2008          
Micky & the Motorcars
Artist Review
Absolutely amazing. Seen these guys twice when they only had 1 album. Have been a fan since and this album is another fine reason I still listening. Keep it up!
Jamie  07/29/2008          
Robby White
Artist Review
Music was tight. Very entertaining group. I love the songs that they write the best.
Mark  07/29/2008          
Lost Boy
Album Review
One word: Amazing. Bleu is by far my favorite artist. I have his albums and have driven across this country just to see him live. Lost Boy is an awesome album and definitely recommend it...and if you get a chance to see him live, TAKE IT!
Marie  07/29/2008          
Brandon Rhyder
Artist Review
Saw him at the Holland Corn Festival, and have listened to his music ever since. He's amazing!
mj  07/28/2008          
Pat Green
Artist Review
He is a traitor take him off this website. now he sucks period.....
MEM  07/28/2008          
The Lonesome Dirge
This is seriously one of the best albums I have ever heard. If all Texas music was this melodic, driving, and impassioned then the revolution would have already taken over. The lyrics are raw and ripe all at once, the texture draws you right into the center of the music, and the vocals are so urgent you wish you already knew the words so you could shout along. Just absolutely stinkin' marvelous.
CJ  07/28/2008          
Robby White
Artist Review
Some kickin' Texas Country music here.
nick  07/28/2008          
Nelo *FB Sale*
Album Review
these guys rock!!! I bought this not knowing anything about them and cant stop listening to this album.
Kyle  07/28/2008          
Robby White
Artist Review
I saw these guys at Loose Wheels in Denison. Awesome band. Their CD is really good. I think they are on their way.

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