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Laura  08/01/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
If you love real roots rock and americana music, Jason Boland will change your life. His voice is has a depth of emotion that is unsettling at times. He can break your heart one minute and make you swing from the rafters the next. He is one of those poets that makes you say "I wish I had said that." Not only does he have lyrics that will amaze you, but these guys are musicians in the truest sense of the word. Roger can play Spanish guitar that will make you cry then play a blistering solo that will knock you flat on your ass. These guys never disappoint. To top it all off they are down-home wonderful people. They are the kind of people you want to have a beer with and philosophize! Get better Jay!
Crutchmer  07/29/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
You're in my prayers, my friend.
Tejas Man  07/29/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
I hate to waste space for a review but for those of you who have both of Jason Boland and the Stagglers albums please respond on a review of which album you like better or maybe if they're equals 'cause I've been waiting to make a purchase of one of their albums and I noticed they had a new one out and I wanted to know which one was more worth purchasing.
Cristy  07/26/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
I love Pearl Snap Shirts!! A perfect beer drinking CD!!!
evan fritz  07/25/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
i just happened to run into these guys in a bar in dallas. they are awesome. one of the best live bands i have seen. i bought "pearl snaps" that night and love it. they have quite a few #1's on that cd. if you don't own it BUY IT. they are all great musicians and good guys.
Sara  07/18/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
A Wonderful Texas Music Fest - Have Seen These Guys Live Twice & They Are Great. If You Are Anti-Nashville, These Are The Guys For You!!
Lee Shafter  07/16/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
Jason Boland HAS to be one of the best writers in Texas Music. The stragglers are as good a band as there is.
Dennis Kuempel Jr  07/09/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
Truck Stop Diaries is my 2001 release of the year. Live a little and treat yourself to a wonderfully written cd. Skinny Dennis
Tim   07/04/2001          
Truckstop Diaries
This new Boland CD outta be great too. Pearl Snaps is one of my favorites and I hear great things about Truckstop Diaries. I think Mike McClure of the Great Divide produced it.
Kathryn  07/03/2001          
Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Artist Review
I love Jason Boland and the Stragglers. Their music and talent are amazing. It's cool, too, that they appreciate each and every fan they have. I can't wait for the new cd!

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