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True Tech Fan  03/25/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
Hey Techsan - aren't you the same person who wrote on 4/26/01 that the "band should enjoy the ride while it lasts"? You evidently are a band-member-drop-out! Did your band not make it, honey? Wade Bowen and West 84 don't need fans of your kind, anyway. They're on their way UP - eat your heart out!!!
Trey  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
For Jacob - you think Wade means nothing to the band? Who sings and who writes the songs for the band? You must be best friends or a relative to one of the other guys. Don't get me wrong - the other guys are great - but whose voice gives West 84 its' sound? I guess you think CCR or Great Divide would have the same sound with a different "frontman". What's your problem?
Ashley - waco  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
We have to take up for our Wade - he's not an "ego" person - never has been - never will be. Just shows you guys don't know what you're talking about! Course there are always people who are envious of other people's success. You guys need to get a life!
Nick - Dallas  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
Anyone who doesn't like the music these guys put out is full of BS. Wish we could have them here more often - they're all great musicians and really nice guys. Visit with Wade when they're in Big D - have you guys ever met him? Seems you may not really know him - or did your girlfriend like him or something? Ease up Lubbock-ites - they're a great band!! I thought Texas Tech people always stuck together! What happened to you?
Mace - San Angelo  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
What's all the fuss about the name change? We love their music and the house is always packed!! Seems to be no problem with the band getting along at all - so why do you guys care? Wade did an accoustic show here and it was great! Love his voice and his songwriting!
Mike G.  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
To "Handsome Hank" and you "Techsan" guys, it seems you're more than a "little" jealous of these guys' success. Maybe you just don't know a good band when you see one - take a look at their schedule! As for the name change - if you know so much, you would know the reason for the name change - because Wade is doing accoustic shows during the week while the the other band members are in school. Some people just like to bitch!!! You guys are the ones who need to grow up!
Junior  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
Not a good band or live show.
Robert Andersen  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
Nice double post Jacob. I think the guys should change their name back to West 84. It doesn't make sense to put Wade on a pedestal ahead of the band. I like the tunes as much as any other Lubbock bar band, but don't get to thinking that you guys are big dogs just yet.
Jacob  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
I liked these guys until they changed their name. To me, it seemed like they were a band, and friends. Now I don't buy into the whole Wade Bowen and West 84 thing, I mean is he too good to be just part of West 84. Its not like Wade is a huge star. They should pay attention to bands like CCR and The Great Divide, both have amazing frontmen, yet they don't put the frontman above the band, to me Wade is nothing without the band. I think they should go back to the old name, all this new thing is doing is giving Wade a big ego, I used to think he was a nice guy, not anymore.
Jacob  03/24/2002          
Wade Bowen
Artist Review
I liked these guys until they changed their name. To me, it seemed like they were a band, and friends. Now I don't buy into the whole Wade Bowen and West 84 thing, I mean is he too good to be just part of West 84. Its not like Wade is a huge star. They should pay attention to bands like CCR and The Great Divide, both have amazing frontmen, yet they don't put the frontman above the band, to me Wade is nothing without the band. I think they should go back to the old name, all this new thing is doing is giving Wade a big ego, I used to think he was a nice guy, not anymore.

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