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music fan  09/16/2005          
Camelot Falling
what a great cd. it's such a pleasure to hear great music from anyone but this guy is special. i would recomend it to all. some of you might even buy this one and not steal a copy from your know who you are.
Lisa in Iowa  09/15/2005          
Camelot Falling
I recieved "Camelot Falling" today in the mail. Simply amazing!!! MMB you rock!!!
music man  09/15/2005          
Mike McClure Band
Artist Review
recieved this cd in the mail 24 hours ago and have listened to it probably 3 times. love the the new stuff and can see why he did remain again...its freakin better this time. the folks that use this forum to attack an artists character need to get a life. its for reviews of the music and mike writes, sings, plays and produces great and insightful music. buy this cd.
Wern  09/14/2005          
Mike McClure Band
Artist Review
Mac's the man. The cd is great. Pay for your ticket and don't complain
Jacob  09/12/2005          
Camelot Falling
It's Mike McClure thats five stars off the bat, and as far as I am concerned he was the Great Divide, and who do you think Micah tries to sing like , anyway in the words of Mike this cd will "rock balls", and so will anything he produces.
wildchild6378  09/12/2005          
Camelot Falling
I have been in love with Mike McClure's music since the first time I heard him play with The Great Divide. At first I thought he was just a very talented singer/musician with a distinctly awesome voice, but then I realized that he is an amazing songwriter who puts his soul into each of his songs and contributes to almost every Red Dirt band out there. To me, I feel like no matter what happens to his career, he will always be the true embodiement of Red Dirt music. In almost every Red Dirt song I hear, I hear strains of Mike (no matter who the band playing it is). His soulful tunes will carry on for a long time to come.
Miller.M  09/10/2005          
Camelot Falling
Mike McClure is a great musician and a great song writer. Thanks Mike for giving us great music. Keep it up man.
Miller B.  09/10/2005          
Mike McClure Band
Artist Review
pathetic and egotistical. If a person hates what there doing maybe they should do something different. Way overrated.
hes  09/09/2005          
Camelot Falling
First off, mike is the man. Second, if he wants to recut remain thats his choice. have you heard stoney larues remake of texas moon, it sounds way better than the original, which was awesome. I have yet to hear a mike mcclure song (with or without the great divide) that i havent enjoyed. His vocals and songwriting are unmatched.
liger  09/08/2005          
Camelot Falling
mikey mac kicks ass

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